Achieve Reliable Uptime, Robust Security, and Market Relevance in the Cloud Sector

(Even If You Have Limited Resources)

A FREE, 5-day email course breaking down everything cloud startup founders need to enhance system reliability, strengthen security measures, and solidify cloud market position.

"Extremely good content… along with real-life examples to make it, well, real."

Created by Quetzalli, who has...

  • Taught 25,000+ cloud enthusiasts from startups, enterprises, and open-source communities how to start with AWS.

  • Conducted over 30 cloud computing trainings for startups and open-source software communities.

  • Authored Amazon #1 new release "Docs-as-Ecosystem," top in Software Design & Testing.

book cover, The Cloud Startup Founder’s Seed Funding Success Blueprint

Ready to finally maximize your startup's success?

Here's a sneak peek of everything you're going to learn inside this email course:

Mistake #1. Overextending resources in cloud infrastructure —and why this leads to overspending on infrastructure and services without fully optimizing their usage, wasted resources, and financial strain.Mistake #2. Failing to maintain transparency with cloud investors —and why this encourages investors to ghost you, especially when they perceive a lack of clarity on cloud costs, scaling strategies, or data security.Mistake #3. Assuming you know your cloud customers' needs —and why breaking customer trust leads to market loss and irrelevance, particularly in a competitive cloud landscape where customer needs rapidly evolve.Mistake #4. Scaling cloud services too quickly —and why operational inefficiencies lead to profit losses, unexpected downtime, and security vulnerabilities.Mistake #5. Controlling team culture in a remote environment —and why a toxic work environment further destabilizes your startup and attracts high turnover rates, especially in a remote-first team setting.

Sweet!The first lesson of "The Cloud Startup Founder’s Seed Funding Success Blueprint" is on its way to your inbox.

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me, Quetzalli.The email contains instructions for starting with "The Cloud Startup Founder’s Seed Funding Success Blueprint." Make sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I'm happy to help!Time to check your inbox! ✉️ 🖤

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot! 🤖)